
Summit Supply’s Cylinder shaped water fountain features a striking design with clean, sleek lines and a durable build to resist vandalism and the elements. Its chrome-plated brass bubbler is locked to the stainless steel receptor for added security. Choose a surface mount or frost proof design.

Available in 8 colors. Green is standard color.

Select options $2,530.95
Select options $3,815.95

Product Features

Dimensions: 36”H x 10-3/4” W x 14-1/2” dia. base.

Accessory Options:

Hose Bib

(-32) Compression type hose end w/ VB
(-32-LK) with Loose Key
(-32-VP) with Locking Cover

Jug Filler

(-31) Self Closing Lever Handle
(-36) Push Button
(-34-F) Freeze Proof Push Button

Foot Spray

(-37) Foot Spray


SKU: 5325-FP 5325 Categories: ,
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