
Made of versatile and durable recycled plastic, Summit Supply’s Stationary Bench is perfect for either outdoor or indoor locations.

As with our other recycled plastic bench options, these are made with 100% recycled plastic finished with a UV-process to look like natural wood. Bench will never rot or stain.  Light surface damage, scratches, and paint can be sanded away.

Galvanized steel tube legs are made to allow permanent installation if desired.

One of our favorite benches for parks, locker rooms, and sports fields.


Select options $1,248.95
Select options $1,533.95

Product Features

6′ Recycled Plastic 2×10 inch planks Wt.195 lbs.

8′ Recycled Plastic 2×10 inch planks Wt. 213 lbs. (comes with 3 legs, as shown)

2 3/8 OD galvanized tube w/stationary leg style

3 colors to choose from: brown, cedar, gray

SKU: 82SGRPS-62SGRPS Categories: , ,
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